The Date to Create 2024 is on Thursday, August 8, 2024: Add Date Created to Detail View of Folders?

Thursday, August 8, 2024 is The Date to Create 2024. How to Create a DIY Family Sign with your Wedding Date Place the date centered on the

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Add Date Created to Detail View of Folders?

if you wanna to add the Date Created to Detail View. follow the steps:

1- right click on any tab in the detail view like Name Tab.

2- look in the menu appears for your Date Created option.

3- if you didn't find it, press the button More.

4- you will find alot list of tabs. search for Create and chiek the box near it. and then ok. it should now appear in the detail view


for you next quiestion:

you can follow the steps:

1- form the folder you want all the folders be like

2- form the menu Tools choose Folder options.

3- form the tab View press the button "Like Current Folder" you will get a confirmation box press yes. and all you folders will like the folder you like.

About creating a dating web site?

About creating a dating web site?

To be honest, the prices you are listing are pretty reasonable. In order for you to learn how to create a proper site (which will require the following items):

1. A system where people create an account & can login & logout with steps to prevent spambots from registering and attacking your site

2. Create a profile and post a personal

3. Be able to search for personals via various criteria (location, interests, the handicap they have, etc)

4. Store all of this in a database

5. Ad admin tool to manage the users, posts, ban accounts (spambots), etc

It would literally take you about a year to figure this out and pull it off correctly since you have no experience, and even then it will be full of mistakes, security holes, etc.

If you really wanted to cut corners, you can use a site like but you will have to be VERY detailed in what you want. There are many corner cutter coders there, but realize you get what you pay for. At least I would hire a professional somebody for a couple hours to write up a proper spec sheet for the site, which will save you a ton of money and headache when hiring an economy coder.

How can I find out the date I created/opened my yahoo account?

How can I find out the date I created/opened my yahoo account?

That date is no longer available.

You can get the profile creation date but I believe it is the new version created in 2008 so it may not show a date prior to that. Click "test" and look for .



Also on this date Thursday, August 8, 2024...