Sukkot Day 2024 is on Wednesday, September 18, 2024: When is the Jewish holiday Sukkot?

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 is Sukkot Day 2024. One day and two days: The Festival of Sukkot Sukkah Wall - Fabric paints on

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When is the Jewish holiday Sukkot?

Read: Leviticus 23:34-36


Sunset, September 22 to sunset, September 28. (Tishri 15-21).

In the diaspora, the first two days of the feast of Sukkot are treated as a Shabbat.

In Israel, only the first day is treated as a Shabbt.

Next, there is Shemini Atzeret (Tishri 22) which is treated as a separate holy day but is also considered to be the eighth day of Sukkot.

In Israel, Shemini Atzeret:

Sunset, September 28 to sunset, September 29.

In the diaspora, Shemini Atzeret consists of two days both of which are treated as Shabbat:

Sunset, September 28 to Sunset, September 30.

how many days does the holiday of sukkot last?

how many days does the holiday of sukkot last?

The holiday lasts seven days. The first day is a sabbath-like yom tov when work is forbidden, followed by the intermediate Chol Hamoed and Shemini Atzeret. The Hebrew word sukkōt is the plural of sukkah, "booth or tabernacle", which is a walled structure covered with schach (plant material such as tree branches or bamboo shoots). The sukkah is intended as a reminiscence of the type of fragile dwellings in which the Israelites dwelt during their 40 years of travel in the desert after the Exodus from slavery in Egypt.

what are you cooking for the 2ND days of Sukkot?

we're doing meat stuffed peppers


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