Succoth Days on October, 2024: What are some Important facts about ancient day Judah?

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What are some Important facts about ancient day Judah?

The name Judah came from Jacob’s fourth son by his wife Leah. (Ge 29:35; 1Ch 2:1) After spending about nine years of his life at Haran in Paddan-aram, Judah was taken with all of Jacob’s household to Canaan. (Compare Ge 29:4, 5, 32-35; 30:9-12, 16-28; 31:17, 18, 41.) Subsequently he resided with his father at Succoth and then at Shechem. After his sister Dinah was violated by Hamor’s son, and Simeon and Levi had avenged her by killing all the males of Shechem, Judah evidently shared in plundering the city.—Ge 33:17, 18; 34:1, 2, 25-29.

By his concern for his aged father and his noble effort to preserve Benjamin’s freedom at the cost of his own, Judah proved himself to be superior among his brothers. (1Ch 5:2) No longer was he the Judah who in his youth had shared in plundering the Shechemites and who had been party to wronging his half brother Joseph and then deceiving his own father. His fine qualities of leadership entitled Judah, as one of the heads of the 12 tribes of Israel, to receive a superior prophetic blessing from his dying father. (Ge 49:8-12)

The tribe that sprang from Judah. About 216 years after Judah came to Egypt with Jacob’s household, the tribe’s able-bodied men from 20 years old upward had increased to 74,600, a number greater than that of any other of the 12 tribes. (Nu 1:26, 27) At the end of the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, Judah’s registered males had increased by 1,900.—Nu 26:22.

The territory allotted to the tribe of Judah was bounded by Benjamite territory on the N (Jos 18:11), the Salt Sea (Dead Sea) on the E (Jos 15:5), and the Great Sea (Mediterranean) on the W (Jos 15:12). The S boundary appears to have extended in a southwesterly direction from the southernmost point of the Dead Sea to the ascent of Akrabbim; proceeding from there, it continued over to Zin, ran northward near Kadesh-barnea, and finally crossed over to the Mediterranean by way of Hezron, Addar, Karka, Azmon, and the torrent valley of Egypt. (Jos 15:1-4) The portion of this territory centering primarily around Beer-sheba was assigned to the Simeonites. (Jos 19:1-9) The Kenites, a non-Israelite family related to Moses by marriage, also began residing in Judean territory.—Jg 1:16.

During the turbulent period of the Judges, Judah, like the other tribes, repeatedly fell victim to idolatry. Therefore, Jehovah allowed surrounding nations, particularly the Ammonites and the Philistines, to make inroads on the territory of Judah. (Jg 10:6-9) In Samson’s day, not only had the Judeans lost all control over the Philistine cities of Gaza, Ekron, and Ashkelon but the Philistines had actually become their overlords. (Jg 15:9-12) Apparently not until Samuel’s time was Judean territory recovered from the Philistines.—1Sa 7:10-14.

By reason of the everlasting covenant for a Kingdom made with David, the tribe of Judah possessed the scepter and the commander’s staff for 470 years. (Ge 49:10; 2Sa 7:16) But only during the reigns of David and Solomon was there a united kingdom, with all the tribes of Israel prostrating themselves before Judah. On account of Solomon’s apostatizing toward the close of his reign, Jehovah ripped ten tribes away from the next Judean king, Rehoboam, and gave these to Jeroboam. (1Ki 11:31-35; 12:15-20) Only the Levites and the tribes of Benjamin and Judah remained loyal to the house of David.—1Ki 12:21; 2Ch 13:9, 10.

The kingdom of Judah enjoyed far greater stability and also lasted about 133 years longer than did the northern kingdom. Several factors contributed to this. (1) On account of God’s covenant with David, the royal line remained unbroken, whereas in the northern kingdom fewer than half of the kings had their own sons succeed them. (2) The continuance of the Aaronic priesthood at the temple in Jerusalem had Jehovah’s blessing and made it easier for the unfaithful nation to return to their God. (2Ch 13:8-20) (3) Four of the 19 Judean kings, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah, were outstanding in their devotion to true worship and instituted major religious reforms.

However, the history of both kingdoms illustrates the folly of disregarding God’s commands and trusting in military alliances for security. Also, Jehovah’s long-suffering with his disobedient people is highlighted. Time and again he sent his prophets to encourage repentance among the people, but often their warnings were not heeded. (Jer 25:4-7)

After the Exile. In 537 B.C.E., when Cyrus’ decree permitting the Israelites to return to the land of Judah and there rebuild the temple went into effect, apparently representatives from the various tribes came back to their homeland. (Ezr 1:1-4; Isa 11:11, 12) In fulfillment of Ezekiel 21:27, never did a king of the Davidic line administer the affairs of the repatriated people. It is also noteworthy that no mention is made of tribal jealousies, indicating that Ephraim and Judah had indeed become one.—Isa 11:13.

Can you explain a Hebrew Calender & it’s similarities & differences with Islamic, Christian

Can you explain a Hebrew Calender & it's similarities & differences with Islamic, Christian, & Pagan Calendars

it's funny, i was just reading up on it because a rabbi was saying something weird about the months and there you came with the question.

the hebrew calendar is based on the acadian, babilonian sumerian calendar.

it's a lunar calendar which is adjusted to the length of the solar year throught the addition of 7 extra "adar" months every 19 years (the calendar "zeros" every 96 years).

the months are mostly derived from ancient messopotamean gods and agricultural activities.

(the moslem calendar is lunar, but with no adjustment, so it moves about 10 days every year).

the holidays are adjusted to different agricultural (and therefore natural) events:

on tishri, the month of beginning there are the beginning of the year, the day of atonement and succoth, the feast of gathering, gathering your stuff from the field before the first rains.

hannuka (added only after 160 bce) is a festival of light (falls around december) probably related to mid winter.

tu bishvat "new year for the plants"... some plants, such as the almond begin to bloom, the beginning of renewal.

purim ... pre spring (connected to carnivals and dressing up and gettnig drunk... and of course godly salvation) is the time when you dont know yet how the year will be, will the rains suffice, is spring gonna start on time?

pessah (passover) spring is starting (full moon of april). things begin to grow.

then 7 weeks of pentacost waiting for the first harvest... (with a festival of fire 35 days after passover (added around 135 ce) and then pentacost, first harvest, bring first offering to the temple.

tu be-av "festival of love", of summer, of pressing the wine and of courtship.

then... elul the month of harvesting the wheat... then we start all over again.

What is the Jewish feast of Tabernacles?

What is the Jewish feast of Tabernacles?

Succoth, Sukkos, Feast of Booths or Feast of Tabernacles), is a Biblical pilgrimage festival that occurs in autumn on the 15th day of the month of Tishri (late September to late October). The holiday lasts 7 days. Outside the land of Israel, many people continue to sit in the Sukkah on the following day, Shemini Atzeret. In Judaism it is one of the three major holidays known collectively as the Shalosh Regalim (three pilgrim festivals), when historically the Jewish populace traveled to the Temple in Jerusalem.

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