Sourest Day 2024 is on Friday, October 25, 2024: Need Help Finding A New Korean Show.Sour Day?

Friday, October 25, 2024 is Sourest Day 2024. Sourest Day Postcards, Ecards and Greeting Cards @ 1001 Postcards Sourest Day Ecards

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Sourest Day

Existence provided lemon? Sourest Day may be the day to shout about this. Reserve the authority to be irritated, irratable and sour concerning the world and all things in it.

Need Help Finding A New Korean Show...Sour Day?

Its called SWEET NIGHT lol "sour day" that's funny. You can find it on

how was ur day? sweet or sour?

how was ur day? sweet or sour?


my mom made me go outside

she made me get off the phone with my friend that lives in a dif state that i dont get to talk to that often

i had fun outside

it was nice out

i got to hang out with two of my friends

later i got my phone back

i am watching wrestling right now (good thing )

i dont know what we are going to do for dinner cause my mom is at work and my dad is umpiring so i wonder who is making dinner

but it has been a ok day maybe a little better than good

I was offered some Sour D the other day?

I was offered some Sour D the other day?

You mean Sour Diesel as in the strain of weed right? You would feel happy, warm and laugh a lot at things, and sometimes horny. And unless you smoke a lot you usually don't get high on your first time. It's not bad for you and you wont get addicted don't worry. It's worth a few tries.

Also on this date Friday, October 25, 2024...