Snowman Burning Day 2025 is on Thursday, March 20, 2025: Have you ever done nasty things to someone else's snowman?

Thursday, March 20, 2025 is Snowman Burning Day 2025. National Snowman Burning Day on Vimeo National Snowman Burning Day

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Snowman Burning Day

Snowman Burning Day marks a general change in seasons, and also the transition from winter into spring. This can be a traditional celebration by American and Swiss people to mark an finish to winter.Why don't you celebrate by creating a (flammable) snowman, and welcoming buddies to talk about within the fun? Some occasions involve elaborate spectacles, up to overflowing snowmen!

Have you ever done nasty things to someone else’s snowman?

I made one turn yellow once.

BQ: Yes

Burnt my balls and bum. help!?

Burnt my balls and bum. help!?

I'm sorry for laughing, but you really could be a comedian. Very funny!

I think it tells you on the dilapatory cream label not to use on certain parts. It must have stung, I grant you that, as I have tried it on my legs and it can slightly burn that thicker skin.

If your other half has any moisturising lotion I think dab much of that on. Or baby oil. Do try a patch test first, though!

Then get to a chemists later today and ask for soothing lotion. Maybe sun burn milk? If, however, your skin is peeling, I would see the doctor. Just in case infection gets in (esp. from your "turd tunnel"!). There's *no* need to be embarassed!

Seriously, you should be a stand-up comedian. Frankie Boyle has a competitor!

when i burn a cd it doesn’t work in a cd player but it will on a dvd player but on the dvd player

when i burn a cd it doesn't work in a cd player but it will on a dvd player but on the dvd player its like...

Both Mike and Snowman are right. You're burning the discs as data and not audio. I would also suggest using Nero which you can try free for 30 days from their home site. Nero is the best I've come across.

Also on this date Thursday, March 20, 2025...