Singles Awareness Day or Singles Appreciation Day 2025 is on Friday, February 14, 2025: How old is the earth?

Friday, February 14, 2025 is Singles Awareness Day or Singles Appreciation Day 2025. Love is in Singles Appreciation Day Singles Awareness (and/or

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How old is the earth?

You posted your question in Home > All Categories > Society & Culture > Holidays > Earth Day

This has very little to do with Earth day.

Though I do agree that trying to discredit evolution is silly, and I'm no creationist... I still need to point out that Earth Day originally celebrated at Spring Equinox around March 20, and it is an annual day on which events are held worldwide to increase awareness and appreciation of the Earth's natural environment.

Now Earth Day is coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network, and is celebrated in more than 175 countries every year. In 2009, the United Nations designated April 22 International Mother Earth Day. Earth Day is planned for April 22 in all years at least through 2015.

What should incoming kindergarten students be able to do?

What should incoming kindergarten students be able to do?

Go to your State Department of Education and look under K grade for the requirements.

Here's the link the the Virginia SOL's:

Here's what they will be taught:


The kindergarten student will be immersed in a print-rich environment to develop oral language skills, phonological awareness, print awareness, vocabulary, comprehension, and an appreciation for literature. The reading of fiction and nonfiction selections will enable students to develop an awareness of print materials as sources of information and enjoyment. The kindergarten student will have the opportunity to use words that describe people, places, and events. The student will recognize and print letters of the alphabet, use the basic phonetic principles of identifying and writing beginning sounds, identify story elements, and communicate ideas through pictures and writing.

Oral Language

K.1The student will demonstrate growth in the use of oral language.

a)Listen to a variety of literary forms, including stories and poems.

b)Participate in choral speaking and recite short poems, rhymes, songs, and stories with repeated patterns.

c)Participate in creative dramatics.

d)Begin to discriminate between spoken sentences, words, and syllables.

e)Recognize rhyming words.

f)Generate rhyming words in a rhyming pattern.

K.2The student will use listening and speaking vocabularies.

a)Use number words.

b)Use words to describe/name people, places, and things.

c)Use words to describe location, size, color, and shape.

d)Use words to describe actions.

e)Ask about words not understood.

f)Follow one-step and two-step directions.

g)Begin to ask how and why questions.

K.3The student will build oral communication skills.

a)Begin to follow implicit rules for conversation, including taking turns and staying on topic.

b)Express ideas and needs in complete sentences.

c)Begin to use voice level, phrasing, and intonation appropriate for language situation.

d)Listen and speak in informal conversations with peers and adults.

e)Begin to initiate conversations.

f)Participate in discussions about books and specific topics.

K.4The student will hear, say, and manipulate phonemes (small units of sound) of spoken language.

a)Identify orally words that rhyme.

b)Identify words orally according to shared beginning or ending sounds.

c)Blend sounds orally to make words or syllables.

d)Divide one-syllable words into sounds (phonemes).

e)Divide words into syllables.


K.5The student will understand how print is organized and read.

a)Hold print materials in the correct position.

b)Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.

c)Follow words from left to right and from top to bottom on a printed page.

d)Match voice with print: syllables, words, and phrases.

K.6The student will demonstrate an understanding that print makes sense.

a)Explain that printed materials provide information.

b)Identify common signs and logos.

c)Read ten high-frequency words.

d)Read and explain own writing and drawings.

K.7The student will develop an understanding of basic phonetic principles.

a)Identify and name the uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet.

b)Match consonant and short vowel sounds to appropriate letters.

c)Identify beginning consonant sounds in single-syllable words.

K.8The student will demonstrate comprehension of fiction and nonfiction.

a)Use pictures to make predictions about content.

b)Retell familiar stories, using beginning, middle, and end.

c)Discuss characters, setting, and events.

d)Use story language in discussions and retellings.

e)Identify what an author does and what an illustrator does.

f)Identify the topics of nonfiction selections.


K.9The student will print the uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet independently.

K.10The student will print his/her first and last names.

K.11The student will write to communicate ideas.

a)Draw pictures and/or use letters and phonetically spelled words to write about experiences, stories, people, objects, or events.

b)Write left to right and top to bottom.

K.12The student will explore the uses of available technology for reading and writing.

I’m SAD I feel like Everyone has that Somebody except for me =( When will it happen for me *sighs*

I'm SAD I feel like Everyone has that Somebody except for me =( When will it happen for me *sighs* am I just a?

You are as you see yourself. Why don't you change how you see yourself? What you think about expands and right now you are feeding your mind lack. You need to feed it the information that you desire so that you can achieve the result you want.

Let me explain. Simply put, what you think about expands. If you let your mind wander, life happens to you and you don't usually get the life you want. So right now your thoughts are focused on the things that you don't have. Your emotions are fed to you based on what you think about because your brain feeds you emotions based on what your thoughts are. It doesn't care what you think about, it just produces emotions congruent with your thoughts. So you're experiencing being sad because lack causes sadness- sucks right? The good news is that you can change the cycle by changing your thoughts towards abundance rather than lack.Well, how do you do that? Fist of all write down what you want in life. You know, most people never do this so how do they expect to get it? Start it like this, "My life is so amazing. I have the greatest husband. Not only is he an amazing lover and friend, he is such a good father to our children"- etc. etc. etc. Describe to the universe exactly what it is you want your reality to be. Then concentrate on this life daily, picturing it with great clarity, imagining exactly how it makes you feel. Secondly, shift your thinking from lack to abundance. One way to do this is to start a gratitude list. If you are constantly expressing your appreciation for what you love in life, it shifts your focus from that which you don't like so much. Remember, what you focus on expands, so focus on the things you want to expand. Write down one thing everyday that your grateful for. Read it every day and focus on the feelings that they make you feel. Then date it, put it away and start a new list.

What do you get out of all this work? Well, your brain will feed you emotions based on your thoughts, right? So you will start being happy. The second thing that will happen is that your subconscious mind will go to work for you eventually making it happen. That's right- dream life realized. This is the simple version of course. The hard part is past the initial difficulties of making the shift in your awareness. These are difficulties similar to the ones associated to exercising on a regular basis- you may want to give up. There's a bunch of peptides released by the brain that the bodies cells get addicted to and they want to resist, but the bottom line is that what you think about expands so keep thinking about your ultimate goal.

You are not a loser! Unless of course you think you are, and I don't think you think that. You're just discouraged because it hasn't happened for you yet. That will change, but only if you believe it will. Go create the reality you want. I believe in you.

Live life loving.

Also on this date Friday, February 14, 2025...