Roof Over Your Head Day 2024 is on Tuesday, December 3, 2024: Could I live in Thailand on 500 BAHT a day?

Tuesday, December 3, 2024 is Roof Over Your Head Day 2024.

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Roof Over Your Head Day

A lot of us ignore the truth that we've shelter easily available, which we are able to decide to spend some time inside within solid roof to prevent wet or uncomfortable weather. Roof Over Your Head Day draws focus on individuals who aren't so fortunate, and reminds us to become grateful for the small luxuries we love.

Could I live in Thailand on 500 BAHT a day?

15,000 baht a month

apartment will cost 2,500-3,000 baht maybe less(100 baht per day at most)

Drinking water in bottle: 8-11 baht per liter

Food: 40-100+ baht per day, depends on what you buy, carts

Internet cafe: 10 baht per 20-30 minutes

, sample cost of living and accurate.

Utilities: may cost 200-500 baht per month

So its possible

what is the significance of crow touching our head?

what is the significance of crow touching our head?

Consideration of omens through Birds


Since ancient time people believe that if a crow caws on the roof, in threshold, or inform of the house at dawn, it is a sign that someone dear will visit the house. It turns out to be true in most cases. Thus, the crow is such a bird with which omens, both good as well as bad have been attached. It is believed that if the crow perches on someone's head his life becomes crisis ridden. Crows their daily life with peep of dawn and retire to their nests at dusk. Thus omens attached to them for the 4 quarters, each of three hours duration, of the day are as follows.

First quarter (PRAHARA)

In the first quarter cawing of craws is heard from the eastern side, soul benefit occurs.

If in the first quarter, cawing of crows is heard from the northern side, profit occurs in money. Hence one may take a lottery etc at this omen.

If in the first quarter, cawing of crow is heard in the western side all the things go against expectations.

If in the morning, cawing of crow is heard in southern side enemies harass well.

Cawing of crows in the north- easterly direction angers well.

Similarly if the cawing is heard in the north- westerly direction expectations don't materialize

If in the first quarter of the day this bird caws in the south-westerly direction, compromise has to be made with the enemies or more than expected benefit occurs

Similarly, if a crow caws in the south- easterly direction in the first quarter of the day, assistemei from the woman folk of the enemies is received.

Second quarter

If in the second quarter of the day of the day cawing of crow is heard in the east, life patner is received.

If in the second quarter of the day a crow caws in the north, it is a comforting omen.

Similarly, if a crow caws in the west during the second quarter.

If in the second quarter of the day, crow caws in the south, the hearer gets honor in the society.

Similarly, if a crow caws in the northeast during the second quarter it is totally an inauspicious sign.

In the second quarter of the day if the cawing of crows is heard in the northwest, it is not a good omen for the son.

Similarly if the crow caws in the southwest during the second quarter, one should get alert at once.

If in the second quarter, the crow caws in the southeast, it becomes the cause of quarrel.

Third quarter

If in the third quarter, a crow caws in the east, heavy rain falls in the city, year of theft increases or the enemy accepts his defeat thus making you the victor.

If in the third quarter, crow caws in the north it shows mixed omens. With efforts one can get money as well.

If in the third quarter, a crows caws in the west, desired things are achieved, richness comes and one gets rid of the enemies also.

Similarly if the crow caws in the south during the third quarter. Loss of honor occurs. Inauspicious news may also come and quarrels may also occur.

If in the third quarter, a crow caws in the northeast, it omens our disease or other crisis, otherwise rain may fall that day.

If in the third quarter of a day a crow caws in the northwest, the hearer gets monetary benefits, get rid of the disease that is, it is good omen.

Similarly, if a crow caws in the southwest during the third quarter it indicates occurrence of disease or any other crisis.

If in the third quarter, a crow caws in the southeast, loss in honor occurs, inauspicious news received, quarrels and outbreaks.

Fourth quarter

If in the fourth quarter, a crow caws in the east, one gets honor or some inauspicious news is to be received.

Similarly if the cawing of a crow is heard in the north in the fourth quarter, one who meets his beloved or gets the opportunity of monetary benefit, travel etc through efforts which ever lover or beloved ones gets is pretty and attractive.

If in the fourth quarter, cawing of crows is heard in the west one meets such a person who causes him monetary benefit.

If in the fourth quarter cawing of the crow is heard in the south, one must be alert of his enemies, and avoid eating and drinking freely and maintain a distance from vehicles while walking on the road.

Similarly if in the fourth quarter, crowing of crows is heard in the northeast, the hearer gets frustrated or some inauspicious occurs inadvertently.

If in the fourth quarter, crowing of crows is heard in the northwest, it proves beneficial. One gets free from disease, it rains or one gets an opportunity of travel. Meeting with some pretty girl is also possible.

If in the fourth quarter, a crow caws in the southwest, the hearer must get to sleep peacefully covering himself with sheet and ignore any kind of voice or noise.

If in the fourth quarter, a crowing of a crow is heard in the southeast, fear of disease in increases or one meets a good friend.

Thus all the descriptions written above is proven. But it ahs to be remembered as to what was the tone of the crowing. How were

Lump on roof of mouth?

Lump on roof of mouth?

It should start improving after two full days of antibiotics. Many times the abscess needs to drain in order to go away completely. Try using warm salt water held in your mouth for as long as you can and then spit it out. The water needs to be as warm as you can tolerate it and just barely salty. Do this 3-4 times a day to help bring the abscess to a head and drain, just like a pimple. When it drains it will taste and smell bad but it will feel better and heal sooner.

Also on this date Tuesday, December 3, 2024...