Remember Freedom Day 2024 is on Wednesday, September 11, 2024: Do you remember a sentence from Indian presidents freedom day speach

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 is Remember Freedom Day 2024. National Freedom Day is a Celebration of Freedom - Fun UP ... National Freedom Day

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Do you remember a sentence from Indian presidents freedom day speach??

I don't know much about President Patil except that she was a compromise candidate.

President Kalam was one of the greatest men to ever hold the position of the presidency in India. He is a kind, brilliant man who loves humanity and fiercely protected the Indian constitution.

I would welcome him to lead the USA any day.

why is remember day why is important to canadians and how can soldiers Forum the past inspire the

why is remember day why is important to canadians and how can soldiers Forum the past inspire the ones today?

One should always remember the Armistice Day, as it is the day to think about all the men lost in both the World War of 1918, and the last war of 1945. That is the least we can do for men who gave their lives for us, and for our Freedom.The Canadians were at our side as they are part of our Commonwealth, and my Father was in Barracks with some of them in 1945, and he lost his life as well, It is very little to ask for two minutes of your time. Is it not.! So to me it is important.

VE Day, Why is it forgotten?

VE Day, Why is it forgotten?

it was a momumental day and should be remembered for what we achieved and what lives were sacrificed for the cause

Also on this date Wednesday, September 11, 2024...