Rain Day 2024 is on Monday, July 29, 2024: Why does it rain all day?

Monday, July 29, 2024 is Rain Day 2024. Eskimo Kisses: Rainy Day It's a rainy day in Anchorage

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Why does it rain all day?

Sometimes it does not rain all day.

It rains at your location for the amount of time that rain producing clouds pass over your location.

Does it rain every day in Cancun??

Does it rain every day in Cancun??

Don't worry.

Usually it rains at night, and at day you have sunshine!

The rain season here (I'm in México) is summer (right now), as someone told you already. But it is not like the rainy weather in northern areas, here we have sunshine (really hard!) and hot weather while rain season. You'll see. Even if there is a hurricane, it only rains one or two days at most.

coloring pictures or raining days?

coloring pictures or raining days?

raining days [-;

Also on this date Monday, July 29, 2024...