PTA Teacher Appreciation Week on May, 2024: ideas for teacher appreciation week?

PTA Teacher Appreciation Week 2024.

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ideas for teacher appreciation week?

I am a teacher, and I recommend having some food/lunch for the teachers. I would advise against little trinkets. For me, it is difficult to keep track of extra things. ( I do have to switch classrooms, though, so other teachers may not have the same problem.)

At my school, the PTA bought a few inexpensive frames and put quotes about appreciation and teaching inside them. They displayed the quotes through the week in the faculty room. They also used posterboard/butcher paper to display a few quotes in the hallway. The quotes that they put up last year are still hanging in our halls.

You could also ask to take the teacher's class for a little bit so the students could sign a card/make cards for their teachers. Or, if you have more parent support, delegate some of the classes among the parents.

One last idea...magnets. I am always using magnets to stick things to my whiteboard. You could either find a quote, laminate it, and put magnet strips on the back, or you could make some cute magnets. Just use the strong magnets so they can hold up posters.

Good luck!

Does you child’s school participate in Teacher Appreciation Week?

Does you child's school participate in Teacher Appreciation Week?

My school goes around with a little breakfast cart and gives free coffee, bagels, muffins, and other stuff to the teachers. Alot of teachers don't have time to eat breakfast in the morning so they really appreciate it.

Can anyone tell me which day this week is "teacher day"? I know this week is teacher appreciation

Can anyone tell me which day this week is "teacher day"? I know this week is teacher appreciation week.


The origins of National Teacher Day are murky. Around 1944 Arkansas teacher Mattye Whyte Woodridge began corresponding with political and education leaders about the need for a national day to honor teachers. Woodbridge wrote to Eleanor Roosevelt, who in 1953 persuaded the 81st Congress to proclaim a National Teacher Day. NEA and its affiliates continued to observe National Teacher Day on the first Tuesday in March until 1985, when the National PTA established Teacher Appreciation Week as the first full week of May. The NEA Representative Assembly then voted to make the Tuesday of that week National Teacher Day. Celebrated on the Tuesday of the first full week of May, the actual date varies each year. In 2006, National Teacher Day takes place May 9.

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