Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity 2024 is on Monday, October 21, 2024: Life Day of Silent Solidarity - Pro life day of silent solidarity?

Monday, October 21, 2024 is Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity 2024.

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Pro life day of silent solidarity?

Inform those people before the event and let them know that you won't speak. Wear a sign when you are not speaking to let people know that you are not speaking.

Is anyone doing the October 21st Pro-life Silent Solidarity day?

Is anyone doing the October 21st Pro-life Silent Solidarity day?

Knew nothing about it.... explain more about it please... I do not get out much !! rofl..... but, seriously, tell me more or give a site... go in peace.... God bless

which came first: day of silence, or pro-life day of silent solidarity?

which came first: day of silence, or pro-life day of silent solidarity?

According to the below link, the Day of Silent Solidarity held in 2005 was their second one, which means they started in 2004.

The Day of Silence began in 1996, so it is much older than the DOSS.

Also on this date Monday, October 21, 2024...