Pony Express Day 2025 is on Thursday, April 3, 2025: Pony Express Rider?

Thursday, April 3, 2025 is Pony Express Day 2025.

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Pony Express Rider?

From "Pony Express Information"

The Pony Express had as its mission to provide the fastest mail delivery between St. Joseph, Missouri, and Sacramento, California. It began in April, 1860 and ended in October 1861. It operated by relay of mail by horses and riders. While in existence, the Pony Express ran day and night, summer and winter.

Pony Express Riders:

*183 men are known to have ridden for the Pony Express during its operation of just over 18 months. Approximately 80 were on payroll at any one time.

*Most riders were around 20 years of age. The youngest on record was 11 years old. The oldest was in his mid-40s. The riders typically did not weigh more that 120-125 pounds.

*The riders were paid between $100 - $125 per month.

*The first riders were Johnny Fry (i.e., westbound rider from St. Joseph) and Billy Hamilton (i.e., eastbound rider from Sacramento).

*Relay system: New riders took over every 75 to 100 miles; riders got a fresh horse every 10 to 15 miles; the horses traveled an average of 10 miles per hour; 400 horses were purchased to stock the Pony Express route (usually thoroughbreds, mustangs, pintos, and Morgans). There were approximately 165 stations. The trail length was almost 2,000 miles.

*The route was St. Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento, California. It wended through the present day states of Kansas, Nebraska, northeast corner of Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, and California.

*The riders departed once a week from April to June 1860; and twice weekly from June 1860 to October 1861. Departures were from both the east and the west.

* The cost of mail was $5.00 per 1/2 ounce at the beginning; however, by the end of the Pony Express, the price had dropped to $1.00 per 1/2 ounce.

When the telegraph to the west coast was completed on October 24, 1861, it signaled the end for the Pony Express.

For more information on individual riders, please see:

What was the pony express?

What was the pony express?

"The Pony Express was founded by William H. Russell, William B. Waddell, and Alexander Majors. Plans for the Pony Express were spurred by the threat of the Civil War and the need for faster communication with the West. The Pony Express consisted of relays of men riding horses carrying saddlebags of mail across a 2000-mile trail. The service opened officially on April 3, 1860, when riders left simultaneously from St. Joseph, Missouri, and Sacramento, California. The first westbound trip was made in 9 days and 23 hours and the eastbound journey in 11 days and 12 hours. The pony riders covered 250 miles in a 24-hour day.

Eventually, the Pony Express had more than 100 stations, 80 riders, and between 400 and 500 horses. The express route was extremely hazardous, but only one mail delivery was ever lost. The service lasted only 19 months until October 24, 1861, when the completion of the Pacific Telegraph line ended the need for its existence. Although California relied upon news from the Pony Express during the early days of the Civil War, the horse line was never a financial success, leading its founders to bankruptcy. However, the romantic drama surrounding the Pony Express has made it a part of the legend of the American West."

who made the pony express?

who made the pony express?


"The Pony Express was founded by William H. Russell, William B. Waddell, and Alexander Majors. Plans for the Pony Express were spurred by the threat of the Civil War and the need for faster communication with the West. The Pony Express consisted of relays of men riding horses carrying saddlebags of mail across a 2000-mile trail. The service opened officially on April 3, 1860, when riders left simultaneously from St. Joseph, Missouri, and Sacramento, California. The first westbound trip was made in 9 days and 23 hours and the eastbound journey in 11 days and 12 hours. The pony riders covered 250 miles in a 24-hour day."

For verification and additional information, please see:


The production company known as "California National Productions" and Producer Tom McKnight "made" the television series, "Pony Express."

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THE FILMS (1925 and 1953):

In 1925, Paramount Pictures (as Famous Players-Lasky Corporation) and producer James Cruze "made" a silent film titled, "Pony Express."

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In 1953, Paramount Pictures and producer Nat Holt "made" a film titled, "Pony Express." It was a "remake" of the 1925 film.

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Good luck.

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