Photography Day 2024 is on Monday, August 19, 2024: Photography day rate?

Monday, August 19, 2024 is Photography Day 2024.

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Photography Day

Photography Day is about honoring photography. Today may be the day to embrace your ex of photography, regardless of whether you see yourself being an Amateur, Enthusiast or Professional, it’s your day to demonstrate you skill. Photography is able to tell tales and encourage people along with the beginning of digital photography we can share reminiscences around the globe within minutes by using online art galleries.  Photography has transformed the way you begin to see the world and provides you the opportunity to share relative it is around the world who are around you, so why wouldn't you share it!

Photography day rate?

Assuming you will be working 8 hours a day, at your hourly rate that would be £400 per day, I would say you probably want to charge 75% of your hourly rate when booked for a day, so you would be looking at £300. This is a good % to keep to so when you put your hourly rate up you can easily recalculate your daily rate too. FYI I charge 90% for a half day (4 hours). I hope this helps.

Photography ideas for rainy days?

Photography ideas for rainy days?

On rainy days I usually shoot one of the following:

Interior architecture

Still life images

Models for art or commercial

Product photography

Portraits, fashion and candid images are a few more options.

Sometimes, if I have something important in mind, I'll shoot outside in the rain, but generally, I'm not going to risk my very expensive equipment just for fun.

You can also use this as a good way to learn more about your camera. Shoot a row of objects from different distances at different apertures to see how it affects your depth of field for example.



Get a name-brand camera -- whatever you can afford -- with at least 5 megapixels and an optical (not digital) zoom ration of at least 3:1.

Get the latest version of Adobe Photoshop Elements -- $80 to $90 at a "Big Box" store.

The third thing you need is TRAINING. Take LOTS of pictures of bands and nature. Join on-line photography sites, upload pix and ask for suggestions. Check books out of the library, or go to a bookstore that lets you read magazines all day, and learn photography.

Like any art, it must be practiced everyday, or as often as possible.

Also on this date Monday, August 19, 2024...