National Sewing Month on September, 2024: Question About sewing a medical company, can anyone answer this for me? ?

September, 2024 is National Sewing Month 2024.

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Question About sewing a medical company, can anyone answer this for me? ?

Might try reposting this question in either the insurance or legal areas of yahoo answers, instead of in an area for questions about yahoo.

The word you're looking for is "sue", as in lawsuit. Sewing is attaching two pieces of fabric together with needle and thread. The short answer is that you can sue anyone for anything if you've got the money to file the case and pay the lawyers. Whether you have a chance of winning or not is a different matter entirely.

Cloudiest June ever?

Cloudiest June ever?

The Average number of Cloudy days in Seattle for the month of June is 17. (At the alternate weather site in Seattle it's 15).

The Annual average of cloudy days in Seattle annual is 228. (Keep in mind, that does include partly cloudy days). At the alternate weather station in Seattle it 221 days. Point is, that it is roughly 220-230 of them in Seattle.

As for the MAXIMUM number of Cloudy days in June, you would have to check with the National Weather Service (NWS). They seem to have most of that data. Or surf their website . Local broadcast meteorologists sometimes too have that data saved for statistics they use on the air. So you could check with them.

I would venture to assume that you will find in years where a La Nina is developing (such as this) the number of cloudy days will be higher than an El Nino.

Question About sewing a medical company, can anyone answer this for me? ?

Question About sewing a medical company, can anyone answer this for me? ?

Any answers you get here would be mostly speculation as to what you really need to do, other than if a licensed attorney happens to see your question and responds.

Your best bet is to seek council from a good attorney in your area. If you can't afford an attorney, make an appointment to talk with the local judge in your county. He/She is an elected official and their legal advise is free.

Good luck.

Also on this date Sunday, September 1, 2024...