National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day 2024 is on Friday, November 15, 2024: Did you clean your Refrigerator on "National Clean Out Your Fridge Day"?

Friday, November 15, 2024 is National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day 2024. - November Birthday Wallpapers 15 National Clean Out Your

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Did you clean your Refrigerator on "National Clean Out Your Fridge Day"?

Nope. did not know there was a "National Clean Out Your Fridge Day." I clean it when it gets too crowded with stuff. It's almost time to empty the fridge. Did the freezer not too long ago.

i know that April 20th is National Weed Day, but whats November 15th? is it anythingg ?

i know that April 20th is National Weed Day, but whats November 15th? is it anythingg ?

It is opening day of firearms deer season

and national clean out your refrigerator day

Did you find anything green and mouldy at the back of your fridge ?

Did you find anything green and mouldy at the back of your fridge ?

There is nothing in the fridge, but it smells like excrement. I don't know what that is about.

Also on this date Friday, November 15, 2024...