National Clean Hands Week on September, 2024: What are some great ideas for a brand new National Honor Society to begin with?

National Clean Hands Week 2024. Clean Hands Coalition - National Clean Hands Week - Sept 21 to 27, International Clean Hands Week

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What are some great ideas for a brand new National Honor Society to begin with?

Google "national honor society" (activities OR projects) - and you'll find many interesting ideas. E.g.,


--"Typical service projects include tutoring programs for underclassmen, reading development for elementary students, fundraising for local or national charities, blood drives, serving meals at local food banks and soup kitchens, and servicing the needs of the elderly in the community.


---Writing letters to soldiers is a simple, yet important activity that can truly benefit those far away from home. Even writing about simple things like what is going on in your life, or just that you support them and are thinking of them cheers them up while they are away from their loved ones. It is also a good activity to do at afterschool meetings so they do not seem like a "waste" of people’s time.

---Visiting nursing homes is an activity that we do every year. Call the home ahead of time and schedule a visitation and they will be more than welcome to have your club there visiting. Before you go, have your members make cards (we make holiday and christmas cards) that have cheerful, happy messages. We also hand out beads (since it is not a good idea to bring cookies or other food due to diatery issues) which everyone seems to love! Afterwards we go to the activity room and sing a few Christmas carols, either with a CD playing, or with no music. This is a great activity since it connects young people with their elders, and allows them to easily brighten up someone elses day. Many elderly people do not get many visitors, so it is nice to chat with them for a little while and see how they are doing.

---Canned food drives are a popular activity during the holiday season and they can go towards many different groups. Either a homeless shelter, local relief organization, Salvation Army, or other places in your community. The NHS at my school had a school-wide canned food drive. They asked each 2nd period class to bring cans, and the class that brought in the most won a pizza party. The NHS totaled over 900 cans. This canned food drive lasted apporximately one week. My club stood outside of grocery stores on the weekend before Thanksgiving, asking for donations from customers either by donating money or buying cans inside. We recieved over 500 cans which we donated to a local shelter. Another good idea is to do a canned food drive not during the holiday season since many shelters run low during the spring and summer months.

---Community Clean Ups. We live by the beach so monthly we go out and clean up the beach, but if you do not then you can always clean up national parks, playgrounds, your school, neighborhoods, scenic areas, lakes, parks or where ever else. This is a good and easy way to get your club active and outside into their community.


---Make A Difference Day 1999 allowed Beta students to collect

pledges for a fellow Beta student who was injured in a hunting accident during the school year. The students were able to collect $500.00.

---The School Beautification Project gave the school a major overhaul. Students provided a much needed service by scrubbing cafeteria floors, scraping gum from lunchroom tables, making numerous glass display cases and windows clean. They also focused on Liter Patrol, which became an on-going

project that required full participation from the student body.

---The Bayou Vista Trail Maintenance Project allowed students to collect canned goods and non-perishable items for families and individuals that are battling AIDS. The items were then sorted and distributed to the families.

---The Sunbridge Care Facility enabled students to visit residents, play board games and present them with special musical presentations. During Easter, the students made 152 hats for the residents, to be worn at the Easter party.

Good luck,


What story should I write for National novel writing month?

What story should I write for National novel writing month?

I've been doing this every year for five years and I've found my best strategy is to not pre-think anything. On midnight 11/1 I just fire up the computer and type the first sentence that comes to mind. Then I write from there.

I have friends that spend a month pre-planning to write, but for me I prefer the freedom to just up and go and not have any idea what I'm writing about or where I'm going until I write it and go there. I like to surprise myself.

Here are my last few starts, written on the spur of the moment with absolutely no fore-thought:

2006 - The grass cracked beneath Mitchell’s feet as he walked. The sound was crisp and clean and rare. Such thick frost rarely came to Ardmore, Alabama, so when it did, Mitchell liked to get out in it.

(I did wind up tossing this one and starting fresh on day 2, but that's the only time it has happened.)

2007 - Mornings were not Joe’s strong suit. Needless-to-say, this led to no end of coffee jokes throughout his life. If it wasn’t “Hey Joe, you look like you need some joe, Joe!” then it was “What’s the matter Joe? Been decaffeinated?” One particularly annoying co-worker at the insurance firm where Joe worked liked to begin each week with a joke about Joe’s “beans” and end each week with a bad pun involving "a cup of Josephine’s beans.” Joe was never quite sure what the man meant.

2008 - Candy had never been happier. It was a Saturday, an A-Team marathon was on TV, and she had just enough Molly McButter for one heaping bowl of fresh popped popcorn. It was below freezing outside and the hardwood floors were cold against her feet. She’d looked everywhere for her slipper socks, but the cat had drug them off somewhere and hidden them. She had started a fire, though, and bundled up in a large Oakland Athletics blanket her ex left behind when he moved out last summer. She had just grabbed the remote when she heard a knock at her back door.

2009 - Renfield clicked the secondary lens into place, loosened a screw on the side of the frame, and pulled his table lamp closer. Even at this increased magnification the etching--worn flat by the handling of a thousand hands--could only barely be read.

“An old piece indeed, this one.” He turned the coin over in his hand and back again, watching the patina’d copper catch the light just so. “Near as I can tell, sar, the coin says ‘God has favored us’ in the old language on the one side and has a single seven star on the other. Common once, I’m told, sar, but an odd design for this day and age.”

“You know what it is, then?” the tall man said. He thrust his palm into the light.

Renfield looked up at him, his right eye near three times its actual size behind the layers of glass. “Not exactly, sar, but I seen a similar piece once before.” He glanced back at the coin, flipping it one more time before dropping it in the tall man’s sweaty palm. “Was a young man who come in, some years back.”

“How far back, tinkerer?”

“No matter, that’s not the point.”

“Pretend it did matter,” the tall man said.

EDIT @ cirque de lune:

"There's no point in doing NaNoWriMo if you see it as a joke that you'll waste a bad story on. That's not the spirit of the project."

I disagree. The spirit of the project is to write. No more, no less.

For me, I find it more inspiring and helpful in establishing writing routines than as an attempt to produce actual, polished work.

The website's own "about" section says:

"Because of the limited writing window, the ONLY thing that matters in NaNoWriMo is output. It's all about quantity, not quality. The kamikaze approach forces you to lower your expectations, take risks, and write on the fly.

Make no mistake: You will be writing a lot of crap. And that's a good thing."

I mean to each his own, but the value I personally find in NaNo is in not writing ANYTHING I've thought about at all. I do use it as a blow-off story opportunity. Then, in December and January, when I'm on a writing high and I've re-established routines, I return to the stories I do care about and intend to finish "for real" again and find myself more productive for the experience.

thinking of joining the national guard. help me out please?

thinking of joining the national guard. help me out please?

my questions are:

how long would i be away from home after basic?

Basic training is ten weeks, followed by AIT. AIT's length is determined by your job specialty. More training obviously requires more time away from home.

would i be stationed anywhere?

No, you drill near where you live. The National Guard is "part time," so to speak.

what are the odds of me getting deployed in a war?

It's not guaranteed, but don't be surprised. The NG regularly augments active Army forces and you're likely to get deployed somewhere for something (even if not combat) at some point.

i am easygoing and quiet. i live for music. would the guard wean some of this out of me?

My feelings are that a person's nature doesn't really change. Sure, you'll have some new thoughts and behaviors, but that's just because you're doing something new and growing up. I'm still a quiet person who likes to read, listen to music, and is fairly shy. This is after joining the Navy.

what is the minimum service term for the guard? 8 years?

All military contracts are 8 years, but the Guard will require you to drill for 6 and it is very unlikely you would be subjected to a recall for the last 2, during which you have no real accountability to the military.

what is your daily routine after basic?

After basic training, you drill one weekend a month and two weeks a year. Other than that, it's your life as usual.

Also on this date Sunday, September 1, 2024...