Miners' Day 2024 is on Friday, December 6, 2024: What the heck is Ginger Day?

Friday, December 6, 2024 is Miners' Day 2024. Frederick, Colo., Miners Day applications due Aug. 1 - Longmont Times 2011 Miner's Day Parade in

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Miners’ Day

Mining is really a hazardous but vital profession. Miners have the effect of supplying industry with lots of the recycleables that people depend upon in modern manufacturing, but achieve this at great peril deep subterranean. Miners’ Day recognises hard and harmful work carried out by miners and rewards their dedication.

What the heck is Ginger Day?

June 21, 2003 ceremony at the grave of labour martyr Ginger Goodwin, on the 18th annual Miner's Memorial Day in Cumberland, British Columbia, Canada

Confused 1st day new job?

Confused 1st day new job?

On your second day they will take you to a round room and tell you to sit in the corner!

In your opinion, what is the worst horror movie remake?

In your opinion, what is the worst horror movie remake?

Day of the Dead

Horrible remake. It nearly ended Steve Miner's career.

Also on this date Friday, December 6, 2024...