Married To A Scorpio Support Day 2024 is on Monday, November 18, 2024: Undefined relation with Scorpio man ?

Monday, November 18, 2024 is Married To A Scorpio Support Day 2024. As Promised the Wacky Holidays are here to stay. Enjoy today's ... Mickey Mouse Day. Married

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Undefined relation with Scorpio man ?

He's just not that into you. You have to come to grips with that fact. He has moved on. He's ignoring your texts in hopes you will get the hint, and get on with your own life. He's trying to be polite because he cares for you. He friend-zoned you. But he cares for you very dearly and he doesn't want to lose you. That's natural. But he will not accept your ultimatum. He's hoping you'll get upset or frustrated, tired of his games and move on. He feels ignoring you like this and shutting you out will be less hurtful for you. He's secretive by nature, so he won't admit feelings for another woman or any other parts of his agenda. He also probably realizes you will become more independent if you think breaking of the relationship was your idea. If you get fed up with his cool attitude and move on yourself, you won't be hurt and more self confident.

Clearly he has taken care of you and been your emotional support on several occasions. By now he's got you pegged. Maybe he thinks you are weak or needy? Scorpio men only stay with women who are strong, bold, and independent. If he already knows you are in love with him (actions speak louder than words, you can't keep a secret from this guy) you are no longer a challenge. Scorpio needs a challenge. You're just no fun for him anymore. I'm sorry, but this is the way your Scorpio honestly feels/thinks. He respects you too much to manipulate you, so it's clear you never hurt him or wronged him. You should be glad it's going this way.

Honestly, these guys want a girl whose fun to be around. They want someone whose happy and has her own thing going on. If you two are talking every day it's clear you don't have much of a life on your own. You should be blowing him off here and there to hang out with friends, study yourself, go shopping, whatever. That's what the Scorpio wants and expects from his girl. If you are always there, answering his texts/calls, or texting him/emailing him he knows you're all about him. he doesn't want that because he wants to be free on his own. He wants you to need him but be okay on your own. He won't have kids with a woman who can't stand on her own two feet, so you needing him was a mistake. If he cares for you financially that's even worse in his site. You were just the poor unfortunate soul he had to help once upon a time. It does all kinds of things for his ego.

If you want another chance with him...tell him you thought about what he said and you agree. you're going to pursue your own ambitions. don't tell him you love him or are waiting for him or if he wants anything in the future blah blah blah....Don't he has to be afraid he will lose you. He will re think everything. If he wants you he'll chase after you at this point. If he's just jealous/possessive he'll let you go, but complain when he sees you with another guy. Since he said he doesn't want to lose you or whatever, but he won't actually be yours....I'd be guessing he's got some possession issues. Best of luck! There's better Scorpios out there for you Idk why you're wasting your time with this one. Surely even you can tell this will end badly for you if you pursue him (he should be doing the pursuing!).

I heard that today is "World Sandwich Day" on the radio. Is there really such a day?

I heard that today is "World Sandwich Day" on the radio. Is there really such a day?

Yes, it is actually a real day. I have it written down in every single diary i own i thought it was so awesome!

Check out this website for more of the most ridiculous "National...Days" around the world. Barbie in a Blender Day is my favourite (and Married to a Scorpio Support Day)!

Scorpio obsessive love?

Scorpio obsessive love?

I had a very similar experience when young too. I am 37 now so maybe sharing what happened can help you put things in perspective. I had a very intense instant mutual connection with a boy I met when only 14. He was Scorpio too (a Sun and Moon Scorpio so a stronger one than me), we were born within 2 weeks of each other in the same year. We could tune into each other's feelings like radar immediately from the day we first set eyes on each other. It felt like we always knew each other, like we followed each other down to earth. It was also way too strong for us so immature and life inexperienced to handle properly.

We were on/off for the next several years, although always had other people in between and stayed best friends. He was a cheater too (this is a very bad sign sweetie, despite what kind of connection you have to a man!!)He eventually got another girl pregnant when we were only 22. Married her out of guilt, despite having a very hard to achieve scholarship to a prestigious art school and supported her and the kid.(because that is the kind of man he was) He never loved this woman in this unhappy union and he treats her pretty bad because of the situation..But loves his daughter...who he named after me!

I didn't want anything to do with him after that despite the intensity of the pain at being apart from him-it was like missing part of my soul and the worst betrayal in the world. He absolutely refused to let go though. Stating that he would never leave me* even though I wanted him to* and he was married to the w h o r e. and had this kid to boot.

So some pretty ugly fighting as only 2 Scorpios could fight so ugly and nasty. Since he still loved me, he wanted control over my life, etc. Something so beautiful turned so ugly. I finally stopped fighting him and just accepted him as my soul brother who insisted on being a part of my life. But the same love that kept him hanging on also enabled him to let me go when I met the right man for me (a wonderful Pisces)

He knows I'm happy, let me go and calls me his "sister" now. I haven't even heard from him since he wished me happy birthday a couple years ago via email. But I know he still thinks of me and I know his intuition has told him, I have a child of my own now.

I can feel how happy he is for me.

Moral of story: Just because you feel this connection, it doesn't mean you are supposed to be together. But you can't fight it either. Turn it over to the Universe and let it play out as it will.

Also on this date Monday, November 18, 2024...