Marine Corps Birthday 2024 is on Sunday, November 10, 2024: Marine Corps Birthday Ball dresses.?

Sunday, November 10, 2024 is Marine Corps Birthday 2024.

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Marine Corps Birthday Ball dresses.?

Hello CeeCee

I have been answering this question a number of times in the past week for both the Navy Ball on October and the Marine's Ball in November.

I looked at your dress. It is OK for a luncheon. Not for the Marine's Ball. You wish to compliment your Marine gentleman who is escorting you there.

NO PROM dress with poof-sleeves and full skirts. You won't be able to sit for dinner properly and dance properly. The Marine Ball is not a Cinderella Ball. But, close!

The simple thing to do is go to last year's Marine Ball website and look at the 500 pictures and see what the ladies are wearing. Then you will know what is in your closet that will be great attire for the ball.

Go here:

THEN click on the link to the left that says: LINKS and then: 2008 Birthday Ball Photos.

There are 39 pages of photos. Check them all so you can see the different ladies in their dress.

Best wishes and enjoy the Ball.

Larry Smith

SMSgt, USAF (Ret.)

First Sergeant

What’s a marine corps ball ?

What's a marine corps ball ?

The Marine corps call is he United States Marine Corps Birthday that's celebrated every year on the 10th of November with a cake-cutting ceremony.

The first formal ball was celebrated in 1925, though no records exist that indicate the proceedings of that event. Birthday celebrations would take varied forms, most included dances, though some accounts include mock battles, musical performances, pageants, and sporting events.

The celebrations were formalized and standardized by Commandant Lemuel C. Shepherd, Jr. in 1952, outlining the cake cutting ceremony, which would enter the Marine Drill Manual in 1956. By tradition, the first slice of cake is given to the oldest Marine present, who in turn hands it off to the youngest Marine present, symbolizing the old and experienced Marines passing their knowledge to the new generation of Marines. The celebration also includes a reading of Marine Corps Order 47, republished every year, as well as a message from the current Commandant, and often includes a banquet and dancing if possible. In many cases, the birthday celebration will also include a pageant of current and historical Marine Corps uniforms, as a reminder of the history of the Corps.Another modern tradition includes a unit run on the 10th.Marines are reputed to celebrate the birthday, regardless of where they may be in the world, even in austere environments or combat.

In a more somber tradition, Samuel Nicholas's grave in the Arch Street Friends Meeting graveyard in Philadelphia is marked with a wreath at dawn by a group of Marines annually on 10 November to celebrate his role in the founding of the Corps.

Marine Corps Birthday?

Marine Corps Birthday?


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