Lupercalia 2025 is on Saturday, February 15, 2025: Is Lupercalia still celebrated?

Saturday, February 15, 2025 is Lupercalia 2025.

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Is Lupercalia still celebrated?

Yes it is,still celebrated a fertility festival in ancient Rome, it is celebrated on Feb 15 in honor of the pastoral God Lupercus, and the bronze wolf statue which is still preserved in capital. Go to lupercalia:Definition and much more from to read more.

How Do You Celebrate Lupercalia?

How Do You Celebrate Lupercalia?

It's fascinating that you consider Lupercalia, a Roman civic festival, possibly with older roots, to be a "Wiccan celebration."

I'm interested in your justification for this.

Edit: "He" who?

why did the Church adopt the Lupercalia?

why did the Church adopt the Lupercalia?

St Valentine's Day might have been an attempt by the Christian Church to supersede the ancient pagan festival of Lupercalia that took place in the city of Rome on 15 February.

Lupercalia was a fertility festival that appears to have its roots in the myth of Romulus and Remus, the founders of the city of Rome. Its name derives from the Latin word for wolf, "lupus", and this legend was the focus of a local cult and the site of the cave was known as the "lupercal".

Pope Gelasius I banned the Lupercalia and declared in 496CE that 14 February was the feast day of St Valentine.

There are 3 martyrs remembered on 14 February, about whom little is known: Valentine of Rome, Valentine of Terni, and another Valentine martyred in Africa.

St Valentine of Terni was a bishop of Interamna (now Terni), and was martyred in the second half of the 3rd century and buried along the Flaminian Way.

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