Look For An Evergreen Day 2024 is on Thursday, December 19, 2024: evergreendeciduous why the difference?

Thursday, December 19, 2024 is Look For An Evergreen Day 2024. December 19 Holidays - Look for an Evergreen Day at Holiday Insights Look for an Evergreen Day

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Look For An Evergreen Day

If you are planning to obtain a Christmas Tree, but haven’t got around into it yet, you’re drained of your time! Look For An Evergreen Day might be your last chances to visit and obtain a genuine evergreen tree.

evergreen/deciduous why the difference?

Evergreen means that the plant keeps it's leaves year-round while a deciduous plant will drop their leaves in the winter. There are deciduous conifers (larch, bald cypress) and there are evergreen broad-leaved trees.

In part, it has to do with where the plant is growing. If it's in the tropics, there's no reason for a plant to drop their leaves all at once. In temperate climates, plants do this for a few reasons. One, if snow or ice accumulates on the leaves, the tissues can be damages and the added weight may cause stems or branches to break. Plus, in the cold weather, the sap may freeze, damaging the plant and without sap, the leaves don't get any water. But there are plants that keep their leaves all winter long, even when it's cold. They may have small leaves that shed snow and ice easily, or have a dark color that helps them warm in the sunlight. Keeping their leaves may have an advantage in an earlier start to photosynthesis in the spring, or even on warmer days in the winter.

Not all ivy is evergreen, but some like English Ivy are. If you've seen English ivy, it's a very dark shade of green, and it's stems don't have to support the weight of snow of ice on the entire plant. Unlike a tree branch that may have dozens if not hundreds of leaves on a single branch, an ivy can have roots all along the stem, or at least at the nodes where each leaf is produced. So each leaf has support from directly below, as well as off to each side, making it harder to pull the vines off the tree or wall they grow on. This is what the roots of English Ivy look like English ivy also has a thick, waxy coating on the leaves, making it easier for snow or ice to just slide off.

Looking for suggestions for VERY easy care plant for a small sunny garden?

Looking for suggestions for VERY easy care plant for a small sunny garden?

Small area, easy care, want some green with a splash of color.

1. Back row, taller plants: Dietes iridioides, Fortnight Lily. blooms beautiful white flowers every 14 days without failure. Great easy care, often over looked garden plant.

2. Middle row, med. height: Hemerocallis hybrids. evergreen, repeat blooming day lillies. (recommend some reds & cream colored varities. contact me via answeres for some names & where you can get them in san diego area)

3. Front row, low and colorful: Cuphea hyssopifolia False Heather. low growing always in bloom 365 days a year, tiny pink, purple & white bloom giving color to entire plant. another great, overlooked, easy care garden plant.

Once planted, water once a week. Feed general purpose plant food 3 times a year. General maintenance, 30 minutes or less per month for a great looking garden, year 'round. You'll love it!

Samsung Evergreen cell phone case help. :)?

Samsung Evergreen cell phone case help. :)?

Rainbow Leopard!!! Its cuteerr :)

ps Leopard prints is "in" this days ;)

Also on this date Thursday, December 19, 2024...