Lincoln's Birthday 2025 is on Wednesday, February 12, 2025: is the post office open on abraham lincoln's birthday?

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 is Lincoln's Birthday 2025.

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is the post office open on abraham lincoln’s birthday?

On Thursday, February 12, Lincoln's birthday, the USPS will be open. The USPS will be closed on Monday, February 16, Presidents' Day, which commemorates Lincoln's and Washington's (Sunday, February 22) birthdays.

Do people still get mail on Lincoln’s birthday?

Do people still get mail on Lincoln's birthday?

Yes they do. His birthday is today (February 12th) but President's Day is the federal holiday when the US Postal Service is closed. It is the 2nd Monday in February which is next Monday the 16th.

Geeky question-- Alcohol for Abraham Lincoln’s birthday?

Geeky question-- Alcohol for Abraham Lincoln's birthday?

Go Abe!! Best president... drank Budweiser as a vegan??

Hmmm I wonder if that's only common knowledge here...

Hope you enjoyed it :D

Also on this date Wednesday, February 12, 2025...