Leif Erikson Day 2024 is on Wednesday, October 9, 2024: Spiritually speaking, How are you enjoying your Leif Erikson day?

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 is Leif Erikson Day 2024.

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Spiritually speaking, How are you enjoying your Leif Erikson day?

Drank some beer, burned a few villages, pillaged ... you know, the usual.

Y'know, this should really be the holiday we remember, instead of Columbus Day. Leif Erikson got to the New World almost 500 years before Chris did. Plus, Vikings are awesome. I'm just saying.



If it was Alex Lifeson Day, I'd be playing some Rush right now.

Did you remember Leif Erikson during Hunting 9?

Did you remember Leif Erikson during Hunting 9?

Not formally.

I normally use the remembrance holidays to simply reflect on the values the remembered Asatruar embodied for our faith.

Only one day of remembrance I formally hold a blot and sumble for, and that's April 26th. The Day of Remembrance for Ragnar Loosetooth.


On another note, if you like the story of Leif Eirikrsson, you should read the Vinland Sagas.

Aside from being a good story, it shows what happened during those first forays into what would become Canada.

A recent movie, "Pathfinder", took the events of the Vinland Sagas and totally twisted them into a pretzel for their telling of the discovery of Vinland by the Vikings.

Also on this date Wednesday, October 9, 2024...