International Day of Cooperatives 2024 is on Friday, July 5, 2024: How can an international student "stay in" the USA?

Friday, July 5, 2024 is International Day of Cooperatives 2024. List of grant providers‎ mutual self help forum for co-ops, charities and community groups

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How can an international student "stay in" the USA?

An international student as many options to stay in the United States before/upon completion of their course.

- OPT (Optional Practical Training), this allows F1 students to work in the United States after they have completed their studies for a maximum period of 12 months. However you need to talk to your DSO and have her/him recommend this for you before you apply to the USCIS for employment authorization.

- CPT (Curricular Practical Training) - This is pretty much an alternate work/study, internship, cooperative education, or any other type of required internship or practicum which is offered by sponsoring employers through cooperative agreements with the school. You can read more about it on the UPenn website and Yale website.

- Another option is to start sending out letters/resumes to companies/business in your chosen career field. This could lead to a successful interview and said company sponsoring you for either the H1 or J1 visa.

Why is there no International Men’s Day?

Why is there no International Men's Day?

Because ever since the success of the women's rights movement in the 70's women have been working very well together to make sure that their rights are not infringed upon. It's okay for a woman to hit a man, it's ok for a woman to make more money than a man with an equal skill-set, it's less offensive for a woman to sexually harass a man.

Everything is tipped the other way now until you get to upper class business men who are disgusting regardless of their sexism or not. Everyone else treats women just fine for the most part especially in America. There are always exceptions of course, but usually the men who mistreat women get fucked in the ass by the legal system much harder than a women would if the situation were reversed.

If you want a good example, look no further than child support. The child support in this country is biased and idiotic in more ways than you know. There are women who are living on welfare and treat their children worse than their father ever did, but because they have the vagina they get custody. Then this poor guy who did nothing other than realize he didn't love his wife anymore, gets labelled as an asshole because his wife got custody, and he has to pay her jobless ass a PERCENTAGE of his money! Let's say this guy was upper middle class, a software engineer for example. Let's say he makes $100,000 a year. In some extreme cases the one who got custody is entitled LEGALLY to get HALF... HALF!!! of their ex-husband's annual income. This chick who sits on her lazy ass, treats the kids worse than their dad, and leeches of the country by living on welfare even though she's able to work, is now entitled to 50k a year because she has a vagina.

Men are not known for being supportive and cooperative and working well in large groups, especially when it's about their rights. Men tend to think of that kind of thing as a sign of weakness, and consequently we screw ourselves over. Until we work together and say "Enough is enough, the debt is payed we don't owe you anymore". We will continue to get boned by the legal system in this country that's becoming more and more biased against it's founders; White Men.

Can You Help With The International Fire Code & Exits?

Can You Help With The International Fire Code & Exits?

You've done some pretty serious reading. The 28" is a minimum, based on occupancy, but probably correct based on it being a 1,200 sqft day spa. That is the width of the door as well as the exit path, I'm not really guessing, but I'm not totally sure either.

The short answer is, visit the building official or get them to visit you, and ask them what you have to do. If they're cooperative, they'll tell you what they want, then call the contractor, or build it yourself, as they want it.

If they aren't cooperative, you're doing a remodel/change of occupancy (well, sort of), but I would say ideally you want the exit to be straight through without having to detour around the tanning bed, we are talking about a code requirement that presumes fire and darkness, so you want the exit light visible and the path unobstructed, so I suspect your building official is going to say to move the tanning bed. If you can put together some sketches, drawn to scale of what you plan, you can take them in to the BO and see what he says about your tanning bed location.

You're already way farther along than a lot of architects I've met.

I think the real obstacle is the doors between an exit are supposed to be openable without any special knowledge, and a pocket door isn't going to meet that requirement.

The other thing I would suggest is visiting your competition, and tanning salons and see how their rooms are laid out.

I'm impressed you've gotten this far. There isn't that far to go.

Also on this date Friday, July 5, 2024...