Flag Day 2024 is on Friday, June 14, 2024: Today is Flag Day. What does that mean to you?

Friday, June 14, 2024 is Flag Day 2024. By Swedish law a number of days of the calendar year are designated as official flag days. This means that the Flag of Sweden is flown on all public flag poles and buildings.

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US Flag Day poster 1917.jpg

By Swedish law a number of days of the calendar year are designated as official flag days. This means that the Flag of Sweden is flown on all public flag poles and buildings.

Flag Day

In Australia, Australian National Flag Day is celebrated on 3 September. It commemorates the day in 1901 on which the Australian National Flag was first flown.

Today is Flag Day. What does that mean to you?

Flag day is a day for honoring the flag and what it stands for. It is the symbol of our great nation. It has flown in good times and bad. It has flown during peace time and war. It is an enduring symbol of freedom expressed all around the world. It has been a rallying point for soldiers and for civilians alike. It has been desecrated and burned, yet it still flies proudly as it did over Fort McHenry in the war of 1812 when Francis Scott Key, observing it from a boat in the harbor at Baltimore wrote a stirring poem that became our national anthem.

Good things have been done in the name of the stars and stripes and unfortunately some not so good things have also been done in its name. That flag endured a civil war that tore our nation apart but under that flag the nation was brought back together stronger and better than ever.

The flag represents those who dissent against the leaders who are not leading by the will of the people it stands for democracy and liberty. It stands for those loyal no matter what it stands for us all.

I am proud to say I have served my country under that flag and would give my life defending it even at the ripe old age of 60. Without those who served under that flag we would not enjoy the freedoms we have today. I get a lump in my throat every time I hear the Star Spangled Banner and see that flag waving proudly in all its well deserved glory.

The red stands for the blood of the many who gave of themselves for the land they loved. The blue for the loyalty and unity that Americans have. The white for the purity of purpose in promoting democracy and freedom for all in the United States of America. God Bless America and keep her safe.

a question about flag day?

a question about flag day?

Our flag is out 365 days a year,,I have it mounted on the end of our carport...every year the local lumber yard/hardware store sticks a flag in everyones yard in town..most people leave them there all the time...some move them to the mail box or a tree or front porch...the town has a population of about 1800..they've been doing this since 911.. so we have a good collection of flags..neat huh??...thanks for the question..

what’s haitian flag day?

what's haitian flag day?

Flag Day — Jour Du Drapeau — is a day for Haitians to remember and celebrate the creation of their first flag by none other than the bravest Haitian of all times, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, president of the first black republic. 18 May.

Also on this date Friday, June 14, 2024...