Donor Day 2025 is on Friday, February 14, 2025: Bone Marrow donors.?

Friday, February 14, 2025 is Donor Day 2025. WHO World Blood Donor Day 2013

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Donor Day

Donor Day is really a holiday that remembers all individuals those who have assisted save people’s lives by giving bloodstream, marrow, tissue, as well as organs. It’s a vacation that drives home just how amazing and providing a persons spirit happens because its smart tribute to a lot of people who've contributed of themselves, frequently towards saving the existence of somebody they’ve never met.So, how will you celebrate Donor Day? It’s really simple, out on another worry because it's not necessary to get out there and really hire a company who needs a body organ. You are able to have a small step by giving some bloodstream, that is a completely painless process. However, your bloodstream might be instrumental in preserving someone’s existence because bloodstream transfusions have the effect of saving countless lives yearly.Discovering where one can donate bloodstream is comparatively simple. You are able to search online to discover where one can donate nearer your home. You might confer with your physician, who’ll have the ability to provide you with all the details you'll need. You will find also applications available that does not only show the number of people need a certain bloodstream type at anyone time but additionally organ, tissue, and marrow needs.Donor Day is about being non selfish and providing of you to ultimately save someone else's existence. It’s a meeting of all things that’s wonderful about humanity, along with a holiday we ought to be honoring.

Bone Marrow donors...?

Hi - which country are you in? More commonly these days, stem cells are collected from peripheral blood (in your veins etc) rather than harvesting marrow from bones. This involves apheresis, a process that collects blood from one arm, just like giving blood, but the blood then passes through a piece of equipment that collects the stem cells and then the rest of the blood returns to you back into the other arm. My husband's life was saved by a stem cell transplant 4 years ago - he underwent the apheresis described above just before the transplant (so he had back up blood if the graft failed) and said it was no more than the needle pricks, so if you can handle blood donation, you'll be fine. Check with your own country's donation organisation to see what they normally do, sometimes you can choose and opt only for this stem cell donation rather than marrow which is more intrusive, but not from what I have heard 'excruciating' - just uncomfortable (like bruising). Good luck, and thanks for considering this.

How many people die every day that aren’t organ donors?

How many people die every day that aren't organ donors?

I'm not sure what the number is, but I'll try to find out at work next week.

I can give you some statistics:

Only 1% to 3% of the population dies in a way that they actually have the opportunity to be an organ donor. So most people who die are not qualified to be organ donors in the first place, even if they registered to be one.

About 25% of the people in California say yes to being an organ donor at the DMV. This percentage varies by state with the highest rate of donor designation being in Colorado and Utah, I think about 50% say yes at their DMVs.

When people are not registered donors, and they are candidates for organ donation, their families are approached in the hospital. Of the families that are approached in California, about 2/3 (~ 66%) say yes to donation.

Every day about 18 people who are on the waiting list die while waiting for a life-saving organ transplant, and another 13 are added to the waiting list. There are currently about 103,000 waiting.

You might be able to find more statistics on the UNOS web site.

thinking bout a sperm donor?

thinking bout a sperm donor?

Healthy, responsible men aged between 20 and 45 years are needed to donate sperm. The demand for donors always exceeds the number of people requesting donated sperm and for some people, choosing donor insemination is the only way of having a family. They rely on donors and are extremely grateful for the opportunity to try and have a family. If you would consider donating sperm, we offer a confidential consultation and semen analysis.

Who uses donated sperm?

Some people who want children but, for a variety of reasons, find that they are unable to conceive, choose donor insemination. For instance, couples where a man may have few or no sperm or the motility of the sperm may be low. Rarely, it may be that the use of the man's sperm carries a very high risk that any child might have a serious congenital abnormality. Also, single women or women in lesbian relationships request donor sperm.

Recipients choose a donor from a profile taken from some non-identifying information the donor provides. Only a few couples ask the clinic to make a choice. You can specify what sort of people can or cannot have your sperm on whatever grounds you like.

Who can donate sperm?

Healthy men aged from twenty to forty five years of age, with good quality semen and from all walks of life, who have considered the implications for themselves and their own families and are willing to be identifiable. Guidelines from our accrediting body mean we have to exclude people who have a higher risk of passing on infections, including people with an increased risk of having been exposed to HIV; who have received some types of blood products; and who have used non-prescription, injected drugs.

Donors are usually chosen by the recipients from profiles written by donors offering non-identifying information about them. When people are asked about whom they would want as a donor, they are usually hoping for "someone nice" who is roughly the same age as their partner and might share some similar characteristics. Donors may wish to place some limits on the use of the donations, such as the number of families for which their donations can be used, or groups of people to which they do not want to donate.

What does being a donor involve?

The first step in becoming a donor is to see how well sperm survive freezing and thawing. Donor semen has an "anti-freeze solution" added to it to enable the sperm to survive freezing. The semen is packed into straws, frozen and stored at a very low temperature in liquid nitrogen. Under the Human Assisted Reproductive Technology (HART) Act (2004) the semen can be stored in this way for a maximum of ten years. For about 50% of prospective donors, the sperm does not survive this process very well and cannot be used for donation, though this may not mean that the donor will not be able to have children himself.

Semen must be produced by masturbation. We have a room available at the clinic for this. The clinic's accrediting body prefers that samples be produced at the clinic to minimise the risk in specimen handling and to confirm the identity of the donor; samples are frozen promptly after they are produced. Staff will provide more information at interviews. It is preferable to have 3 to 5 days abstinence from ejaculation before producing any sample for testing or freezing to allow sperm numbers to build up. Longer times are not an advantage.

What tests, information and consents are required?

It is possible for semen to pass on sexually transmitted diseases. We follow very strict guidelines .to ensure that this cannot happen. All donors are tested for syphilis, hepatitis B and C, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), chlamydia and gonorrhoea. The donor's blood group is also identified. Next, an interview with a clinic doctor is arranged. The doctor's interview involves taking note of medical and family history - especially familial conditions that can be inherited, a physical examination and answering any further questions. In addition to a medical consultation, all donors and their partners have an initial appointment with a counsellor to be given information about their rights and responsibilities, the legislation that governs donation and to discuss the implications of being a donor.

Consent forms are signed at the clinic and all donors are asked to fill out a detailed non-identifying questionnaire about themselves and their family. This information is made available to the intending recipients. Because recipients use this information to choose who would be a donor for them; the more information given, the more helpful. Donors are encouraged to update this information regularly and to inform the clinic of any change of address.

There is no cost to donors for any of the tests or appointments with the doctors or counsellors. Travel expenses for coming to the clinic are reimbursed at $30 per visit. This is paid after the final "clearance" blood test. The HART Act has substantial penalties (fines and imprisonment) for paying for, or providing financial inducement for, donor sperm. This excludes reimbursement of travelling expenses by the clinic.

What is the legal position?

The Status of Children Act 2004 clearly defines the legal status of the donor.

The practice of sperm donation is governed by the Human Assisted Reproductive Technology (HART) Act 2004. An important principle of the Act is that offspring conceived through the use of donor sperm or donor eggs should be made aware by their parents of their genetic origins, and be able to secure information about the donor and his or her identity.

The HART Act specifies that, when pregnancies result from sperm that is now donated, Fertility Associates is required to notify the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths and Marriages of identifying information about the child and the donor. After the age of 18 years a child may ask the clinic or the Registrar-General for the identity of the donor and this information will normally be given. The child may ask for the identity of other children conceived using the same donor. There are provisions for children getting information from the age of 16 years and for parents to obtain information about the donor, too. A donor may ask for the identity of all persons born as a result of his donation. If the parents of a child who is under eighteen years of age consent to this the information will be given. If the person is over eighteen they have the right to consent or not.

It is important to disclose any information you know about your health or family medical history that could affect a child conceived using your sperm. It is possible that a child born disabled could sue you for damages if you failed to do this.

What communication between donors and recipient families might occur?

With a child's best interests at the forefront, most parents intend to share the information of how a donor helped them to become a family - with their children and often their wider family. Some parents and children ask if they can communicate with the donor and sometimes enjoy sending letters and photographs. The clinic co-ordinates any exchange of information and supports donors by offering appointments with our counsellors who have knowledge, resources and experience around issues raised by having contact.

Do you have any medical reason you cant conceive???

good luck!!

Also on this date Friday, February 14, 2025...