Crossword Puzzle Day 2024 is on Saturday, December 21, 2024: Crossword puzzle?

Saturday, December 21, 2024 is Crossword Puzzle Day 2024. Earth Day Crossword Puzzle Earth Day Crossword Puzzle

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Crossword puzzle....?

unfourtunatly this is the third day that I answered so your out of luck

Crossword Puzzle Difficulty - NY Times vs ?

Crossword Puzzle Difficulty - NY Times vs ?

The difficulty of the New York Times crossword puzzle varies depending on the day of the week.

Monday's puzzle is the easiest; Tuesday's is a little harder, and Saturday's is really very hard.

The puzzle is devised by the New York Times' crossword editor. Right now, that position is held by Will Shortz. It's really quite a good and prestigious job; many of us wish we were in Shortz's shoes.

There are computer programs that can create kind of crappy crosswords. But composing a really good crossword puzzle takes a great amount of skill, creativity, thought and time. So coming up with a good daily crossword is, basically, a full-time job. Very few newspapers can afford to employ someone whose sole duty is to construct crossword puzzles.

Most newspapers, especially with midsize distributions, don't have their own crossword editor. They pay a subscription fee for the right to run a syndicated puzzle. This means that the same puzzle might run in The Baltimore Sun, The Salt Lake Tribune, and The Des Moines Register.

Another famous crossword puzzle is The Times (of London) crossword. This one is called "cryptic" because the clues follow a strange set of rules that most of us--including me--don't understand. (An example given by David Sedaris was the clue: "Turns heads, in a way." And the solution is "wower." So, um, good luck with that one.)

where do I find crossword puzzle answers?

where do I find crossword puzzle answers?

Do you mean crossword puzzles in the newspaper?

They are usually posted the next day with the regular puzzle.

Do you mean puzzles online?

They are usually available along with the regular puzzle so that you can tell whether or not you answered everything correctly.

Also on this date Saturday, December 21, 2024...