Childhood Stroke Awareness Day 2024 is on Sunday, May 5, 2024: 36 and never could swim because of extreme negative buoyancy?

Sunday, May 5, 2024 is Childhood Stroke Awareness Day 2024. Childhood Stroke Awareness Information & Support for families - pediatric stroke and hemiplegia

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36 and never could swim because of extreme negative buoyancy?

Your situation is really unusual. Actually every person can float no matter how thin he is. But dont give up, because once you know the few principles of the skill, you will get it, and pretty fast too.

I suggest you join a very small group of 3 or 4 learners or even better take a one-on-one instruction. Swim in shallow water, up to waist height. Confidence building and awareness in floating are very important, to rid yourself of any phobia you may have. Hold your breath and execute the arm-stroke of the breast-stroke. When done correctly you should move smoothly. If you had never mastered the breast-stroke kick, then use the paddle as used in the front crawl. After sometime, use the proper kick. You must practice in-between lessons and the more you are diligent and passionate, the faster you learn the swim. Within 4 lessons and a month, you should be able to swim a lap or so. Continue clocking up the laps until you can do 10, 20, effortlessly. With breast=stroke one can go forever.

So i hope you muster your will-power to master a swimming skill which millions of people are enjoying. It is not difficult or impossible. The elephants, zebras,etc can do it! Blessings! :-))

What can happen health wise?? Help me!?

What can happen health wise?? Help me!?

Not sleeping enough and not sleeping well is not OK. As a matter of fact, there is quite a price to pay. It may surprise you to learn that chronic sleep deprivation, for whatever reason, significantly affects your health, performance, safety, and pocketbook.

There are many causes of sleep deprivation. The stresses of daily life may intrude upon our ability to sleep well, or perhaps we trade sleep for more work or play. We may have medical or mental-health conditions that disrupt our sleep, and be well aware that we are sleep-deprived.

However, it is critically important to realize that sleep deprivation is very often due to unrecognized sleep disorders. After a typical night's sleep, you may not feel restored and refreshed and be sleepy during the day, but be totally unaware that you are sleep-deprived or have a sleep disorder. You might think, "It's just the stress of work or the kids," or you might have "always felt this way" and had no idea that you should feel differently. This lack of awareness compounds the consequences, because so many people remain undiagnosed for years.

That said, let's look at the consequences of sleep deprivation.

In the short term:

* Decreased Performance and Alertness: Sleep deprivation induces significant reductions in performance and alertness. Reducing your nighttime sleep by as little as one and a half hours for just one night could result in a reduction of daytime alertness by as much as 32%.

* Memory and Cognitive Impairment: Decreased alertness and excessive daytime sleepiness impair your memory and your cognitive ability -- your ability to think and process information.

* Stress Relationships: Disruption of a bed partner's sleep due to a sleep disorder may cause significant problems for the relationship (for example, separate bedrooms, conflicts, moodiness, etc.).

* Poor Quality of Life: You might, for example, be unable to participate in certain activities that require sustained attention, like going to the movies, seeing your child in a school play, or watching a favorite TV show.

* Occupational Injury: Excessive sleepiness also contributes to a greater than twofold higher risk of sustaining an occupational injury.

* Automobile Injury: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates conservatively that each year drowsy driving is responsible for at least 100,000 automobile crashes, 71,000 injuries, and 1,550 fatalities.

The good news for many of the disorders that cause sleep deprivation is that after risk assessment, education, and treatment, memory and cognitive deficits improve and the number of injuries decreases.

In the long term, the clinical consequences of untreated sleep disorders are large indeed. They are associated with numerous, serious medical illnesses, including:

* High blood pressure

* Heart attack

* Heart failure

* Stroke

* Obesity

* Psychiatric problems, including depression and other mood disorders

* Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

* Mental impairment

* Fetal and childhood growth retardation

* Injury from accidents

* Disruption of bed partner's sleep quality

* Poor quality of life

Studies show an increased mortality risk for those reporting less than either six or seven hours per night. One study found that reduced sleep time is a greater mortality risk than smoking, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Sleep disturbance is also one of the leading predictors of institutionalization in the elderly, and severe insomnia triples the mortality risk in elderly men.

Remarkably, sleep loss may also be a contributing factor to obesity. John Winkelman, MD, PhD, medical director of the Sleep Health Center at Brigham and Women's Hospital and assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School sums up this finding up nicely: "What most people do not realize is that better sleep habits may be instrumental to the success of any weight management plan." And Michael Thorpy, MD, director of the Sleep-Wake Disorders Center at Montefiore Medical Center in New York adds, "Any American making a resolution to lose weight ... should probably consider a parallel commitment for getting more sleep."

It is also important to realize the huge scope and prevalence of these disorders; more than 85 sleep disorders are recognized by the American Sleep Disorders Association, affecting more than 70 million Americans. Up to one-third of Americans have symptoms of insomnia; however, less than 10% of those are identified by primary-care doctors. Sleep-related breathing disorders represent a spectrum of abnormalities that range from simple snoring to sleep apnea (repeated episodes of cessation of breathing during sleep). As highly prevalent as they are, most cases remain undiagnosed and untreated.

* Chronic snoring, for example, is associated with an increased incidence of heart and brain-related diseases. It is present in about

Can you tell me what this says about an overeater?

Can you tell me what this says about an overeater?

Compulsive overeating is characterized by an addiction to food. An individual suffering from compulsive overeating disorder engages in frequent episodes of uncontrolled eating, or binging, during which they may feel frenzied or out of control. They will eat much more quickly than is normal, and continue to eat even past the point of being uncomfortably full. Binging in this way is generally followed by a period of intense guilt feelings and depression. Unlike individuals with bulimia, compulsive overeaters do not attempt to compensate for their binging with purging behaviors such as fasting, laxative use or vomiting. Compulsive overeaters will typically eat when they are not hungry, spend excessive amounts of time and thought devoted to food, and secretly plan or fantasize about eating alone. Compulsive overeating almost always leads to weight gain and obesity, but not everyone who is obese is also a compulsive overeater.

In addition to binge eating, compulsive overeaters can also engage in grazing behavior, during which they return to pick at food over and over throughout the day. This results in a large overall number of calories consumed even if the quantities eaten at any one time may be small. When a compulsive eater overeats primarily through binging, he or she can be said to have binge eating disorder. Where there is continuous overeating but no binging, then the sufferer has compulsive overeating disorder.

Left untreated, compulsive overeating can lead to serious medical conditions including high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and clinical depression. Additional long-term side effects of the condition also include kidney disease, arthritis, bone deterioration and stroke.

Causes of compulsive overeating

In common with other eating disorders, there is a significant emotional element to compulsive overeating. Although there is no known exact cause, there are several likely options. Most sufferers of compulsive overeating use food as self-medication to cope with overwhelming emotions of shame and depression. This self-medication may not only provide the emotional comfort of the act of eating, but may have the physiological effect of making the person actually feel "drugged," sluggish, sleepy,and focused on nothing but the sensation of fullness. This is especially the case when large amounts of sugar and simple carbohydrates are consumed. Many feel guilty that they are "not good enough" and are ashamed of their increasing weight. Most have very low self esteem.

Compulsive overeating normally begins in childhood, when eating patterns are formed. Most compulsive overeaters never learned effective ways to deal with stressful situations, and instead learned to turn to food as a way of blocking out painful emotions. Some compulsive overeaters consciously or unconsciously use excess body fat as a protective layer, particularly those who have been the victims of sexual abuse. They sometimes feel that being fat will make them less attractive, and therefore less likely to be abused further.

Although many sufferers of compulsive overeating try to combat their increasing weight through dieting, this can exacerbate the condition. Dieting can lead to feelings of deprivation, which the compulsive overeater is then driven to block out by further binging. Unless the emotional reasons for binging are resolved, the sufferer frequently becomes locked into an unending cycle of dieting and binging, with the accompanying feelings of guilt, shame, self-loathing and depression that result.

Signs of compulsive overeating

Binge eating, or eating uncontrollably even when not physically hungry

Eating much more rapidly than normal

Eating alone due to shame and embarrassment

Feelings of guilt due to overeating

Preoccupation with body weight

Depression or mood swings

Awareness that eating patterns are abnormal

History of weight fluctuations

Withdrawal from activities because of embarrassment about weight

History of many different unsuccessful diets

Eating little in public, but maintaining a high body weight


During binges compulsive overeaters consume as much as 5,000 calories and up to 60,000 calories per day, which results as an addictive "high" not unlike those experienced through drug usage, and a release from psychological stress. In bulimics this high may be intensified by the act of purging. Some researchers have speculated that in binge eaters there is an abnormality of endorphin metabolism in the brain that triggers the addictive process. This is inline with other theories of addiction which attribute it not to avoidance of withdrawal symptoms, but to a primary problem in the reward centers of the brain. Further, research has shown that those with eating disorders most often crave "comfort foods" which are high in carbohydrates during binges. The ingestion of these foods cause release of the neurotransmitter, serotonin. This could be another sign of neurobiological factors contributing to the addictive process. Abstinence from addictive food and food eating processes causes withdrawal symptoms in those with eating disorders. There may be higher levels of depression and anxiety due to the decreased levels of serotonin in the individual.[1]

There are complexities with the biology of compulsive eating that separate it form a pure substance abuse analogy. Food is a complex mixture of chemicals that can affect the body in multiple ways, which is magnified stomach-brain communication. In some ways, it may be much more difficult for compulsive overeaters to recover than addicts. There is an anecdotal saying among Overeaters Anonymous members that "when you are addicted to drugs you put the tiger in the cage to recover; when you are addicted to food you put the tiger in the cage, but take it out three times a day for a walk."[1]

The physical explanation of compulsive overeating may be attributed to an overeaters' increased tendency to secrete insulin at the sight and smell of food. Though medical evidence supporting this is controversial.[2]

Recovery from compulsive overeating

Compulsive overeating is treatable with counseling and therapy, and approximately 80% of sufferers who seek professional help either recover completely or experience significant reduction in their symptoms. All eating disorders are behavioral patterns which stem from emotional conflicts that need to be resolved in order for the sufferer to develop a healthy relationship with food. Like other eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, compulsive overeating is a serious problem and can result in death. However, with the proper treatment, which should include talk therapy, medical and nutritional counseling, it can be overcome.

Also on this date Sunday, May 5, 2024...