Area Code Day 2024 is on Sunday, November 10, 2024: what is day phone (incl. area code)?

Sunday, November 10, 2024 is Area Code Day 2024. November 10th is Area Code Day! What up 412/724/878 area codes 640x493 November

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Area Code Day

Although area codes certainly aren’t as vital today because they was once – mainly because of the proliferation of cell phones – area codes was once an item of prestige. Area Code Day takes note of a bygone era once the evolution of telephone systems meant altering amounts, altering boundary definitions, and just how much your neighborhood code may affect the perception and culture of the neighbourhood.

what is day phone (incl. area code)?

they are asking for a phone # that you can be reached at during the day time, in case they need to contact you about your order.

For your phone what area code is 818?

For your phone what area code is 818?

Area code 818 is a California telephone area code consisting largely of the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, California. They cover roughly two million people.

Is the 555 area code real?

Is the 555 area code real?

The area code 555 is real (directory assistance) BUT the prefix (XXX-555-XXXX) is not.

You can find many 555 numbers from many different programs at the site

555 is a prefix in the United States whereby you see in many U.S. movies which was not used for practical reasons. It's a neat way to have a character in a film or series dial or give out a phone number for thematic purposes but not give out anyone's "real" phone number thus giving people the chance to call it and prank them. Classic example is the number for God in Bruce Almighty was not a 555 number and this little old lady got hundreds of calls a day when the movie came out.

Also on this date Sunday, November 10, 2024...