Arabic Language Day 2024 is on Wednesday, December 18, 2024: Arabic chat language translation?

Wednesday, December 18, 2024 is Arabic Language Day 2024.

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Arabic chat language translation?

there's no way if you're non-arabic as you have to translate them into Arabic and know their meaning in that certain dialect and translate them

it could be translated easily if it was MSA (Modern Standard Arabic)

sorry i can't translate as i didn't get the whole meaning as it's different dialect than mine

it could be Tunisian dialect or something

so hope i was of any help

Have a good day!

Arabic language questions..?

Arabic language questions..?

The things that decorate Arabic script to clarify pronunciation are the short vowels (a, e, and i in English); the doubler (shadda) which increases the strength of a consonant; the sukuun, which says that two consonants are to be pronounced without a vowel between them; hamza, which is a glottal stop, and a tilde on top of an aleph, which is pronounced as an N. The short vowels are not printed except in dictionaries and the Qur'an; this did me dirt one day when I spoke of a stop sign as a "qaf" sign -- it's actually a "qif" sign.

About Arabic Language...?

About Arabic Language...?

You start out by learning Modern Standard Arabic. It's only tough if you think it is! Take a few days to learn and practise the script, and then you treat it like any other language.

There are various dialects, but they are all based on the standard Arabic. Different areas have some different words, but mostly they relax the grammar a lot and drop off endings of words, change the sound of others slightly, but it's not a huge thing.

Just learn the standard Arabic (which is what you find in the Qur'an), then decide what dialect you want to concentrate on, and just tweak it here and there!

I started out with the standard Arabic and then studied Lebanese, but I also lived in the Gulf - it wasn't a problem.

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